To make things even better, the blaster glow actually charges up the glow in the dark darts! To get the tip of your blaster glowing, all you need to do is hold down the glow button located below the trigger and you can illuminate the blaster field. If you enjoy some night time NERFing and want to be able to see where you are shooting then the Lumanate is certainly a gun to consider. However, what makes the Lumanate stand apart from the rest of Rebelle range is the inclusion of 3 glow in the dark darts and a light up blaster tip!

In order to fire your blaster you will need to pull back the cocking handle located at the back of the blaster. The Rebelle Lumanate is a front loaded, three shot blaster. The NERF Rebelle Lumanate Blaster is a fun little gun, it may not be winning any awards for distance shooting or capacity but if you are looking for a quirky sidearm then the Lumanate is a great choice. You will need to grab 4 AAA batteries though as the Fearless Fire won’t shoot without the motor running! The Fearless Fire comes with 15 Rebelle collectable darts and 5 message darts so you won’t need to pick up any spares. If you are looking for a gun with plenty of ammunition and you like the idea of sending secret messages to your friends then look no further, the NERF Rebelle Fearless Fire blaster is your perfect blaster. To make things even better the Fearless Fire actually has one of the highest dart capacities of any NERF gun, with 20 darts in the barrel you are looking at Mega Mastodon levels here! The Rebelle Fearless Fire blaster also has a few tricks up its sleeve, not only can you fire across secret messages but the inclusion of a secret pen allows you to actually write your own! The Fearless Fire is a 20 dart, motorized blaster which makes use of a massive 20 dart rotating drum to help you unleash 20 darts in 10 seconds! This is a seriously rapid NERF gun. The Rebelle Fearless Fire Blaster is one of the best guns that the Rebelle range has to offer. With a range of up to 75 ft and 4 darts included with the blaster, you will be ready to start some deceptive warfare straight away! The Secret Shot doesn’t require any batteries either so everything you need is in the box. Surprise your opponents by sauntering onto the blaster field with the Rebelle Secret Shot and in the blink of an eye start unleashing NERF hell! The Secret Shot is a lot of fun and really makes you feel like a spy, the added addition of a message dart and decoder only makes things better. However, what makes the Secret Shot so special is the fact that it is actually a blaster in disguise! The Secret Shot cleverly conceals itself as a purse and with a press of a button flips out into a devastating NERF gun! It certainly met mine and my little girl’s expectations and is worth every penny.One of the things we love about the NERF Rebelle range is the amount of blaster innovation that has been crammed into each gun and the Rebelle Secret Shot is by far one of the most fun! On paper the Secret Shot looks like your standard blaster a 4 dart, single shot blaster which requires pump action to prime.
#Nerf rebelle secret and spies plus#
I would certainly recommend this product to anyone with kids aged 8 plus and I would rate it 5 out of 5. Hours of fun were had by my little girl hitting a target she made and lining up her toys and shooting them off the table. The blaster fires the darts incredibly fast and up to a massive 75 feet but they don’t hurt at all if you are hit, as I have discovered after being hit 3000 times by them. The instructions were easy to follow and the shot blaster was simple to use. The shot blaster comes with a small red decoder which you can put one of the bullets in to read the hidden message which my little girl loved. The gun folds up neatly into a case (which you can store the bullets in) with a handle. The product is beautifully decorated (for a Nerf gun) with purple, white and blue detail with a little diamond on top to make it perfect for girlies with a I’m gonna shoot my Nerf gun but still look stylish attitude :-). It was securely packaged but easy to open. The packaging was good (no need to hunt for teeny tiny screwdrivers or even scissors). Secret messages are hidden on the message darts which need to be decoded. The Nerf Rebelle Secrets and Spies Secret Shot Blaster is the perfect Nerf gun for the little spies in your family and comes with the blaster, 1 message decoder, 1 message dart and 3 collectible darts. Nerf Rebelle Secrets and Spies Secret Shot Blaster